with Rhiannon 

A note from the energy of Dream Weavers, Grandmother Spider Medicine:

“As the current paradigm collapses before our eyes, I am a bridge to climb out of the old ~ enabling you to weave a new vantage point and begin co-creating what wants to come through you.  You may have one foot in the old and one foot in the new, but THIS IS THE TIME to step FULLY into the NEW.  Into a reality where you discover who you are and why you’re here.  Into a reality where your wildest dreams come true because you are brave enough to CLAIM them AND your Worth ~ and powerful enough to Weave them into Existence.”

1:1 Master Weaver Apprentiship 


  • to Weave the tapestry of your wildest dreams into this reality

  • to experience a QUANTUM LEAP. 

  • to live a Soulful and Soul-Led life.

  • to FEEL Fulfillment and Wholness

  • to Put your ideas into action, with accountability.

  • to Commit to your highest potential in this Lifetime.

  • Soften and Open your Heart to be able to Give and Receive with ease.

  • to receive ABUNDANCE codes.

  • Soul Connection & Communication

  • Light Body Activation

  • Dream Fully Coming Online

  • Seeing your BIG VISION

  • Rebirthing yourself


Becoming a Dream Weaver we will uncover your Gifts, Dreams, and True Hearts Desires by

  • Communing with your Soul, Guides, and Great Spirit

  • Learning how to Deeply Listen

  • Stepping Fully onto your Divine Path

  • ACTIVATING Your Soul Path

  • and the process of Soul Embodiment

  • Learning how to Follow the Golden Bread Crumbs laid out by your Soul.

  • Stepping into your Divine Feminine Energy

  • Receiving potent Grandmother Spider Medicine

  • Developing your Daily Devotional Practice

  • Activating your Inner Medicine Woman

  • Developing a Deep and Lasting Relationship with your Soul

  • Working with the Teachers of Discipline/Discernment/Devotion

  • Claiming Your Sovereignty

  • Living Harmoniously



  • De-programming

  • Unplugging from disharmony

  • Breaking free from the density

  • Releasing Programs

  • Activating your Spiritual Gifts

  • Integration of unsurfaced pain

  • Healing-love & acknowledgement

  • Becoming untangled

  • Dealing with mess

  • Reprogramming

  • Radical Alignment

  • Learning to Live by your Natural Cycles

  • Learning the difference between being in Aligned & out

  • Learning how to Move and Clear energy

  • As you go towards what you want, we’ll find out what’s holding you back

  • Revealing what is keeping you stuck

  • Clearing out what’s not serving

  • Healing unresolved trauma 

  • Feeling SAFE to feel your feelings

  • Feeling SAFE to express yourself

  • Healing Relationship with Money

  • Dealing with Limiting Beliefs

  • Shedding your old skin

  • Taking full responsibility for Life Experience

  • getting OUT of Victim Mentality


Dream Weavers is for any woman who can feel deep down that she is not living up to their Highest Potential. It is for those who may be feeling lost, confused, stuck, even scared. It is for those who feel like they don’t know the voice of their Soul and are having a hard time differentiating all the different aspects of themselves. It is for those who may not even know what lights them up.

Dream Weavers is for those who are really ready to DEVOTE themselves, do the work & apply the guidance from Dream Weavers to their lives.

It is for those who are ready for CHANGE. For women who know they need a helping hand from someone who has walked the path. It is for those who are willing to receive support.

Dream Weavers is for those who are ready to Live a Life of JOY, MAGIC, and LOVE.

By the end of this container with Rhiannon, you will:

  • Know Your Soul

  • Know what Lights you up

  • Know what it feels like to live life with an Open Heart, enabling you to freely give and receive love.

  • Know how to focus your mental capabilities to work for you

  • Have a Daily Devotional Practice

  • Be set on your course, Weaving the Tapestry of your Wildest Dreams

  • Receive the tools to navigate life through the power of your Intuition, your Guidance System.

  • Live in True Alignment with your Soul.

  • Authentic and Soul-led Living

  • Clarity on your Mission

  • Relationship with The Divine & Gaia

  • Strengthening Core & Center

  • Be confident in your Expression

  • Dream While You’re Awake


  • Ability to Focus Mind, Attention, Energy, and Intention 

  • Weaving with Sounds, Songs, and Toning 

  • Relationship with Directions, Mother Earth, Cycles and Elements

  • Cycle of Transformation

  • Grounding (feeling safe in body)

  • Exercises to attune with nature

  • Working with Cacao

  • Receiving Guidance

  • Devotion 

  • Discipline

  • Self Love & Self Care



  • Learning how to harness and your Attention, Energy,  and Intention to weave your magic.

  • Learning how to HEAR and TRUST your OWN INNER GUIDANCE.

As a Dream Weaver, you will learn to take the reigns of the power of your mental capabilities, harnessing the power of your mind to work FOR you rather than against you.

As a Dream Weaver, you will move from the experience of surviving to THRIVING.

Becoming a Dream Weaver is about choosing Full and TRUE Alignment, once you are in alignment ~ weaving your dreams comes with ease.

Dream Weavers Mentorship Includes:

  • WhatsApp Message support from Rhiannon

  • Divine Healing Energy sent to you throughout the duration of the container

  • Being FULLY held and supported in the Dream Weavers Container with Rhiannon.


Diving into your Gene Keys Profile, your Human Design, a Mayan Calendar Reading,

Vocal Activations, Learning to Tone and all the reasons why to, looking at your Astrology

Inner Child Healing/Healing Unresolved Trauma

Shadow Work

Manifesting your Wildest Dreams


A Weaving Call will help us determine

if we are destined to weave together in this way 🙏🏼🌹